Overseas U.S. military bases are considered domestic (U.S.) shipments, which means you need to select United States as the ship-to country. Do not select the country where the base is located.
1. Name of Recipient: Enter the full name of the addressee. Mail addressed to 'Any Service Member' or similar wording such as 'Any Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine' is prohibited. Mail must be addressed to an individual name or job title, such as 'Sergeant' or 'Private First Class'.
Address: Enter the unit or Post Office box number. It is not necessary to add specific military formations (for example "1/20 24th Infantry").
- Army: Unit [Number] Box [Number]
- Air Force: PSC* [Number] Box [Number]
- Navy: Ship [Number] Hull [Number]
- Embassy: Unit [Number] Box [Number]
3. City: The city must be entered as either "APO", "FPO" or "DPO". Do not put the name of the actual city.
4. State: The State must be either "AA", "AE" or "AP". Do not put the name of actual state or country.
- Please choose (AE) as the state option for: Armed Forces Europe
- Please choose (AA) as the state option for: Armed Forces America
- Please choose (AP) as the state option for: Armed Forces Pacific
5. Zip code: Enter the 5-digit zip code for the military unit. It must start with a 0 or 9.
Here’s an example of a properly formatted APO address: |
Name: PFC John Doe |
Address 1: 23rd Battalion |
Address 2: Unit 1234, Box 56789 |
Country: United States |
City: APO |
State: AP |
Zip/Postal Code: 96522-1215 |
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